Detailed information is available at the Museum Information Point (“Treffpunkt Museum”) on Maria-Theresien-Platz.

Museum Information Point (“Treffpunkt Museum”)

Maria-Theresien-Platz serves as the main Museum Information Point for all visitors of the “ORF Long Night of Museums”. Information, booklets and tickets are available there at the following times:

Thursday, October 3rd, 2 pm–6 pm,
Friday, October 4th, 10 am–6 pm,
Saturday, October 5th, from 9 am.



The ticket is valid on October 5th, 2024 from 6 pm to 12 pm as an admission ticket for all locations and events listed on this website, and also as a ticket for public transport services in Vienna.

Ticket prices:
€ 17.— (regular ticket)
€ 14.— (reduced price)

Tickets at reduced price are available for Ö1 Club members, school children, university students, pensioners, people with disabilities and for individuals in their obligatory term of military or civilian service. Free admission for children aged twelve and under, born after October 4th, 2012.

Tickets are available in advance at the Museum Information Point at the times listed above and at the museums participating in this programme. On the night itself they can be purchased at the Museum Information Point or at any museum.


Children’s Programme

More than 200 Austrian museums offer child-friendly entertainment options presenting art and culture in a fun and interesting way. Here you will find all museums in Vienna offering a special children’s programme.


Ticket valid for public transport

Your ticket for the “Long Night” is also valid for the shuttle buses from 6 pm to 12 pm and for public transport services in Vienna, including the Nightline buses, from October 5th, 2024 5.30 pm to October 7th, 2024 0.30 am. Children aged twelve and under are allowed to use public transport if accompanied by an adult with a “Long Night” ticket.


Shuttle bus

Bus line 1 starts from the Museum Information Point at Maria-Theresien-Platz and offers a hop-on-hop-off bus service in intervals of about 15 minutes from 6 pm to 12 pm.


City walk

Locations in the Inner City of Vienna, which are within walking distance, are marked with “city walk” on this website.


WienMobil Rad

For users of the public bike rental service “WienMobil Rad”, an additional bike rental location has been set up at the “Treffpunkt Museum” at Maria-Theresien-Platz especially for the “ORF Long Night of Museums”. By entering the code LANGENACHT, users can rent a WienMobil bike free of charge for one continuous ride (max. 100 free minutes).


Further Information

Programmes, especially beginning times, are subject to alterations. In case of limited capacity, admission cannot be guaranteed. If not stated otherwise, programmes will be offered in German only. Each museum is responsible for the content of the descriptions of their programme on this website and for the information on accessibility.