
Archaeological Collection of the University of Vienna

All Day Long: Alltag und Arbeitswelt in der Antike. Mit welchen Techniken formten und verzierten die Griechen Statuen? War Töpfern eine Kunst oder ein Handwerk? Wie funktionierte eine Baustelle, und wer arbeitete dort? Was verraten Papyri und Tonscherben aus Ägypten über die Arbeitswelt?


Ten hands-on stations with different ancient objects will introduce you to scientific reconstructions or invite you to participate. Immerse yourself in one area of ancient everyday and working life at a time:
• Bronze and plaster: The casting technique of ancient statues
• The colours of antiquity: from light-coloured stone to colourful surfaces
• Artistic ceramics: Ancient pots as everyday objects and handicraft
• Living History: Craftmanship in the Danube region in Late Antiquity
• Building the Parthenon: How was an ancient temple built?
• The mouthpiece of antiquity: work and everyday life in papyri
• Coins as a medium: More than just a means of payment
• Clothes make the man: But who makes the clothes?
• The ancient stage: Theatre as a calling or a profession?
• After work comes pleasure: Pastimes and gambling in antiquity